Pokémon Showdown: Modify Avatar

Pokémon Showdown: Getting Avatar Command

Enter any chat room and type the command:


pokemonshowdown avatar command Click "full list of avatars" to access a webpage containing all the avatars you can use freely. pokemonshowdown avatar command Here, let’s focus on the “View Latest” and “View Credits” options at the top of the page. Selecting “View Latest” shows the most recently updated avatars. Choosing “View Credits” provides information about the avatar creators; these avatars are created and uploaded by enthusiasts to Pokémon Showdown.

Pokémon Showdown: Changing Avatar Command

Let's see how to change avatars using commands.You can find the avatar you want on the webpage and copy the avatar name.Here, we’ll use “iono” as an example.Go back to the chat room and type the command:

/avatar iono

This will successfully change your avatar. pokemonshowdown iono