Pokémon Showdown Battle Commands
- /rank [PlayerName]: Tells you the rank of any player you want info about.
- /dt [Pokemon, Move, Item, or Ability]: Gives data on the input.
- /weakness [Type]: Gives all type matchups against the type.
- /coverage [Type]: Gives all type matchups for the type.
- /calc: Hyperlink to the damage calculator.
- /modjoin +: Makes the battle private and makes it so only the players can talk. Good for spammers. /roomvoice [Player] also allows somebody to join and talk.
- /hideroom: Hides the battle from the active battles list on your profile and on the Watch a Battle page. Unlike modjoin, anybody can still access it with the direct link.
- /ionext: Automatically applies /modjoin + to your next battle.
- /timer: Starts or stops the battle timer.
- /forfeit: Forfeits the current battle.
- /savereplay: Saves the replay of the current battle.
- /replay: Provides a link to the replay of the current battle.
- /accept: Accepts a battle challenge.
- /reject: Rejects a battle challenge.
Pokémon Showdown Teambuilding Commands
- /ds [Parameter], [Parameter]: Searches for Pokemon that meet specific criteria. Use /help ds to see parameters.
- /ms [Parameter], [Parameter]: Searches for Moves that meet specific criteria. Use /help ms to see parameters.
- /is [Parameter]: Searches for Items that meet specific criteria. Use /help is to see parameters. Type berries can easily be found this way.
- /analysis [Pokemon]: Hyperlink to the Pokemon's Smogon page with sets. If you're a beginner, this is a great tool to help you learn common sets.
- /learn [Pokemon], [Move]: Checks if the Pokemon learns the Move.
- /sets [Pokemon]: Displays the recommended sets for the given Pokemon.
- /evs [Pokemon]: Shows the EV spreads for the given Pokemon.
- /nature [Nature]: Displays information about the specified Nature.
- /tier [Tier]: Lists all Pokémon in the specified tier.
Pokémon Showdown Room Commands
- /join [Room]: Joins the specified room.
- /leave [Room]: Leaves the specified room.
- /roomintro: Displays the room introduction and rules.
- /roomban [User]: Bans a user from the room.
- /roomunban [User]: Unbans a user from the room.
- /roomvoice [User]: Grants voice status to a user in the room.
- /roomdevoice [User]: Removes voice status from a user in the room.
- /roomauth: Displays the list of room staff.
- /poll: Starts a poll in the room.
- /vote [Option]: Votes in the current poll.
- /tour create [Format], [Size]: Creates a tournament in the room.
- /tour join: Joins the tournament.
- /tour start: Starts the tournament.
- /tour end: Ends the tournament.
Pokémon Showdown User Commands
- /away: Sets your status to away.
- /back: Sets your status to back.
- /blockpms: Blocks private messages from non-friends.
- /unblockpms: Unblocks private messages.
- /ignore [User]: Ignores the specified user.
- /unignore [User]: Unignores the specified user.
- /mute [User]: Mutes the specified user.
- /unmute [User]: Unmutes the specified user.
- /status [Status]: Sets your status message.
- /avatar [Number]: Changes your avatar to the specified number.